brotherjon2002 26th December 2007

Oh my son christmass was yesterday and it went buy very well considering. Mom is losing her mind and missing you oh so much. Joe Coral and abby all enjoyed their gifts. Oh how i wish you could have been there. abby was so cute with her backyardagins and her new trike. Im sure you could see but i loved it she was sitting with chocolate all over her face and hands. one hand on trike one on chocolate leaning back like she had eaten way to much eyes glossy and said cool!. Oh dear god i miss ya nana and papa got a new computer and cried about it mom and i thought it would be a great gesture to give papa what he realy wanted and never expected it was great. Uncle chuck, Sarah, And kids didnt come over i guess they had a movie they wanted to see and had to work. well son of my loins i love ya and hope to see ya soon. tell jesus happy birthday